The term “consulting” means the exercise of consulting management any size. Consulting or management consulting may relate to a purely local economic issues (financial analysis, accounting, auditing, taxation) and global management issues (strategic development, reorganization of the innovation process).

In the broad sense Consulting is a kind of intellectual activity, whose main task is to analize, substantiate the prospects for the development and use of scientific – technical and organizational – economic innovations based domain and customer problems.

The main purpose of consulting is to improve the quality of management, improve the efficiency of the company as a whole and increase individual productivity of each employee.

Maintenance of existing telecommunication networks (including remote):

– Research and analysis of the existing IT infrastructure, hardware and software customer;

– Maintenance of network infrastructure;

– Work on the optimization of the network;

– Maintenance work by preventing instability and failure of equipment;

– Disaster recovery, organization of professional backup and copy software routine data;

– Disaster recovery server, active and passive network equipment and elimination of failures and problems in the work;

– Warranty and postwarranty service.